Map of Boca Chica State Park, Texas

Sunset looking out over the Gulf of Mexico from the sand dunes on Boca Chica.

SpaceX’s ambitions of turning a serene strip of Texas beach — where even water and sewer lines are scarce — into a scene out of science fiction lovers’ dreams has set the stage for a drama over land grabs, risks to the environment and questions about the company’s transparency.

The company’s plans, which have been set back a couple of years so SpaceX can reinforce the ground under its construction site, will at times limit access to Boca Chica Beach, a public stretch of coast that locals call their own.

Hills covered in thick brush, called lomas, are the favored shelter habitat for locally endangered ocelots and jaguarundis.

Hills covered in thick brush, called lomas, are the favored shelter habitat for locally endangered ocelots and jaguarundis.

A white egret takes off from the saline mudflats of Boca Chica, just south of Highway 4, adjacent to the Rio Grande and Mexico.

A white egret takes off from the saline mudflats of Boca Chica, just south of Highway 4, adjacent to the Rio Grande and Mexico.

A coyote traverses grassland between lomas at Boca Chica.

A coyote traverses grassland between lomas at Boca Chica.

A crab guards its meal — a small fish.

A crab guards its meal — a small fish.

A great blue heron lurks in tall grass, waiting for fish, while a female common mallard passes in the background.

A great blue heron lurks in tall grass, waiting for fish, while a female common mallard passes in the background.